Canoe instruction














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—Bob Foote is an open canoe instructor trainer educator, basic coastal kayak instructor and freestyle instructor for the ACA. He teaches canoeing and kayaking Group discounts (15%) for 5 or more paddlers and (20%) family discount rates available on instruction costs. Intermediate Ontario Whitewater Tandem CanoeingLooking for professional paddlesports instruction? Our 2700+ Instructor Members offer training Find a Canoe Instructor Professional Development Clinic. It is up to the paddler to prove to the instructor by means of evidence, demonstration or assessment that these skills have been learned. Instructors cannot Tips for a great canoe trip from Shenandoah River Adventures in Shenandoah, VA. Here are some basic instructions for those of you who have not had any Paddle Canada Instructors / Instructor Trainers. Esquif Canoe Ambassadors. Contact: For: Moving Water Instructional Courses. Waterfront Instructor Courses; And More! Puller Course. Big canoe Skills Introductory Course Consists of participants paddling in the Canoe Instruction. With Paul Mason. Tandem Canoe. Courses. Canoe Instructor to participants in either a tandem white water canoe or solo playboat. In this episode, Andrew Westwood looks at the 3 Golden Rules of Canoeing, which are a set of rules that

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